ARCHI2 -Archisquare- founded in 2009 by the merger of two existing architectural firms respectively:
Giorgio Goffi.architects, founded in 1990 in Brescia, and Riccardo Franceschi, founded in 1996, in Brescia too.
ARCHI2 is configured as a company which place the research on the architectural project as the base of its work, that is developed in the context of public and private projects at the different scales.
The company always moves on the double meaning of the contemporary design: it is involved on the one hand in the experimental design related to the concreteness of architecture, and in the other hand on the attention to the theoretical aspects of architectural culture. The research study of the Society is oriented and is measured with the subjects to which the contemporary territory, hybrid and complex, asks answer. The projects are developed around the relationship between the architecture and the environment, whether natural or artificial, unterstanding their traces, signs and guidelines, according to an approach that refuses to think the building detached from the place in which is placed, according to a typically Italian tradition.
In 2014, we opened our office in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.